Monday, April 10, 2023

Back to the Woods and Water, Easter, 2023

So far, having moved my residence from a small town to a small city forty minutes away by car has presented no problems. Yet because life unfolds the way it does, issues crop up when least expected and the world implodes. Thankfully winter has receded and the ice is gone. I can go where I please and walk and hike without cleats on the bottom of my shoes. To find solace, I seek the woods and the water, even if it trickles. At the beginning of spring, water tends to flow more fully and visibly than in the depths of summer. The virgin green of spring has yet to arrive. It is as though everything is slowly waking up. But a day will come when suddenly the leaves on the trees will have unfolded and the bulbs will have bloomed to face the heat of the sun. Photos copyright 2023 Lyn Horton